See How to Use the Website page.
This website is the product of over 21 years of research. To investgate landownership costs money. To begin with there are search fees in the Registers of Scotland. Every record costs at least £3+VAT to research. If there are 2000 records on the website then to keep the website current to within one year will cost at least £7200 per year or £600 per month in search fees. In addition there is the time taken to update and extend the coverage, time spent in the National Records of Scotland examining Sasines titles and the various site costs of hosting, site maintenance, Ordnance Survey charges and the rest. This website is also how I earn a basic living.
I could not afford to update all records when the site launched in September 2022. At that time, around 50% of records had a currency of less than one year with the other 50% dating back as far as 2002. The aim is to have all records current within one year by the end of 2023 (achieved with the exception of 2 outstanding records). Progress can be monitored on the News page.
To keep the information more up to date than one year would increase costs (see above). A currency of 6 months would cost over £14,400 in fees alone never mind taking twice the time. If you wish information that is current within 24hrs, please visit Registers of Scotland to obtain an up to date title.
The site is designed to let you find out who owns a certain parcel of land. If they own other land in the same name then you can use the search function to locate other properties. Frequently however, a person may set up different companies (all controlled by them) to own different parcels of land and so a search in this case will not reveal all the properties owned by the person. I hope to be able to add a 'multiple holdings' search function in the future.
Yes, please. If you know that a change has taken place, please contact me at This will prioritise that record for an update which will involve checking the Land Register to confirm details.
Researching landownership is time-consuming and costly. The aim of this website is to cover as much of Scotland as time and resources will allow (this depends on the level of income). To do this means focussing on the larger landholdings first and expanding to include smaller and smaller ones. Currently (Feb 2025), as a general guide, most of the properties on the website are larger than 200ha (500 acres). There are some above that threshold still to be included and some below that threshold that are included. The aim is to include as many of the landholdings larger than 100ha (250 acres) as possible. This will probably involve adding another 3000 - 4000 holdings which will cost at least £10,000 in search fees and another £20,000 or so in time. Hopefully the website will be reach this stage by the end of 2025.
Plesase get in touch at and we can sort this.
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